Bad Days

We have finally crossed the Spring threshold, which is a plus. But it's been a bit chaotic getting here. At least it has for me. How's your energy been this week? I'll tell you what, mine has been all over the place. I'm going to blame the planets. 🙈

So, the other night, I was super bothered by something that happened recently. This photo I picked was literally how I felt. I was kind of stewing in it. And I KNEW I was, but was having a difficult time snapping out of it. And everything was irritating me. It was one of those, “I am not allowed to be around anyone or talk to anyone” nights. I've mentioned before that I've chosen a year of sobriety this year. This was the second time since January 1st that I wanted to have a drink. And had I not made this commitment to myself, that's exactly what I would have done. But I didn't, so that's a big win in my book. 👏👏👏

But here's a shift that I noticed for me. Rather than beating myself up for not being positive or happy, I forced myself to sit with my state of mind. I used to beat myself up every time I would be in a lower vibration, like I was suddenly stopping my growth, but the reality is that is not true. We don't have to be inspired or happy or in a great mood every single moment of every single day in order to keep a forward momentum. It's not like we suddenly stunt our manifestations. A bad day or two does not negate all the good that comes in life, nor does it negate our efforts to evolve into better humans.

It's okay to take some time where you sit in your shit, eat ice cream and not think about anything except the show you're watching. These moments or sometimes even days, are important to regroup. Refocus. Reset. I'm also a firm believer often times, a good sleep can snap us out of a funk. Like we get into toddler mode where everything sucks until we've had a nap. I don't think we ever grow out of that.

Hopefully, these moments are few and far between, not the norm. If it is the norm, something may need to change, and that's for you to muster up the strength and courage to dig deep and get to the root of why you're feeling the way you're feeling. There is typically something there that needs to be sorted. But guess what? You're a bad ass who is capable of ALL things. 

I want you to remember that if you're feeling this way, the bad days will pass, and there is no experience we can't learn from or overcome when love is present. Even if that love comes solely from within you. And we don't have to have all the answers in the moment. There may be something that triggers us like a memory we don't like, or maybe our hormones are off, or maybe we just aren't happy that day. It's okay. You still have the power to pivot when you're ready and continue to create all the magic. And maybe that magic comes from a shifted perspective we wouldn't have had, if the bad days didn't exist. 

I'm wishing you a beautiful weekend.  

Until next week, I love you.

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