Progress in the Pause

I'm so grateful for another day to share with you today. I hope you're living your best life, even though I feel like it's been a pretty tough month all around for so many of us. However, we're finally nearing the end of the million days of January, albeit, a little on edge.
Despite what's happening that we have zero control over, let's talk about what we CAN control. How have you progressed on your goals for the month? Since we have a new one on the horizon, do you have anything specific you want to focus on?
If you do, and I really hope you do, I want to let you know the fastest way to manifest is by visualizing your dreams, desires, goals and sitting in the feelings you would feel as if you're already there. You've put in the work, and you're now basking in how it feels. And yes, you have to put in the effort. You must take action. That's a pretty important aspect.
Another key here is rest. This is hard for me sometimes and something I have been working on. I have been learning how to slow down. I have had to make a conscious effort to remind myself that there is still progress in the pause. Rest is just as important as doing the work.
I tend to put such high expectations on myself. Get up at this time, do this, do that, check off all the things on that list. Go go go, do do do.
I realized today how easy it is to be hard on ourselves. My soul sister texted me this morning and said, “I overslept.” This was at 8:15am. First thing in the morning, she wakes up, and she is already being hard on herself. How silly is that? I immediately sent her a text back and said, “You did not oversleep. You slept perfectly.”
She wasn't late for her job. She didn't have somewhere to be at any specific time. If she did, she would have set an alarm. What she had, was an unnecessary pressure in a made-up time frame. Her body needed sleep. I love an extra hour of sleep. Bring it on.
My message is that it's okay to pause. It's okay to sleep in. Listen to your body and your heart. You are still growing in this space, and things are still aligning perfectly. Let's be kinder to ourselves. There is a BIG difference between, “Shit, I overslept.” (Talking down on ourselves) vs “Thank you, I must have needed that.” (Everything is okay and exactly as it should be.)
I hope you take some time this weekend for yourself. If you spend just one hour a day on yourself, be it reading, moving your body, meditating, journaling, (15 mins of each), that's only 4% of your day. These things will set you up in ways I can't even explain.
Let me know what your goals are for this month!
Until next week, I love you.
Thank you as this is great reminder that we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves for something we really needed to do such as sleeping in for example.
Always inspiring Lindsay✨
Thank you
Nico C @rockitnico