Guilt can consume us. I have let it take up space in my head for so long. It's never too late to change. It's never too late to make a different decision. It's never too late to do anything as long as we are breathing and capable. And we are all more than capable.
It's so easy to forget who we are. It's so easy to forget the power we actually hold to create the lives we want for ourselves. It's so easy to forget that we came here with intention. We came here with a plan. We came here with a knowing. Yet, along the way, we stray from that knowing. We stray from that trust. We stray from our intuition. We make excuses. We procrastinate. We get in our own way.
When we can be in the mindset that we always have Source Energy behind us, and things are always working in our favor, we literally never have to worry. The things that don't go the way we wanted them to, that's protection. The thing that fell through, the job we didn't get, the relationship that ended, the flight that got delayed, the traffic we sit in…ALL of these things happen FOR us. We may not see it yet, and we may not understand it yet, and that is where faith comes in.