
  • Celebrating Self-Love Milestones: Reflection and Future Goals

    As this is the final post of February, I wanted to take a few moments to reflect back on the work we’ve done towards loving, forgiving, and being kinder to ourselves on our own accord. I truly hope you took the time to write down all the brilliant things about you and wrote yourself a glorious love letter, and have com
  • Real Talk - Hello Insecurity

    Insecurity is a universal experience, transcending boundaries of status or profession. It's an undeniable facet of being human, a genuine emotion that affects us all. And that's perfectly okay. I've recently found myself trying to managing bouts of insecurity, lost in my own thoughts, imagining the worst-case scenarios 
  • Developing Consistent Habits

    Habits. Fun stuff, huh? It's interesting because it seems the bad habits are easiest to fall into and harder to break, yet the habits that serve us, that make things BETTER for us are much harder to make. However, once we begin to create habits that serve us, we typically want to keep those things going because they FEEL good.
  • The Best Morning Routine

    You don’t have to be a morning person in order to start your day right. Here is my morning routine that I swear by. It really does keep me inspired most days.

    1. As soon as you wake up - VISUALIZE YOUR DAY - I’m pretty lucky in the sense that I don’t have to set an alarm anymore. I wake up around 7-7:30 am every morning.

  • Identifying and Overcoming Our Obstacles

      As we're entering the third week of the year, this is a pretty important time. First off, it's the time where most people throw their goals out...
  • Presence is the Best Present

    We’ve been talking about showing up for the past few weeks and I think something that we should talk about is the difference between physical presence and emotional presence.
  • 5 Lessons I Learned in 2023

    So, the literal best quote I heard this year was in the Netflix film, Leave The World Behind, from Mahershala Ali's character when he said, “Nothing frightens me more than a person who's unwilling to learn, even at their own expense.”

    This got me thinking. How have I grown in the past year and what can can I bring into 2024 as a wiser human? Here are five lessons I learned in 2023. Perhaps you can relate.