I beat myself up for not being “strong.” I see all these other people living their best lives, and I've been holed up wondering if I have what it takes to live mine. Like there's a sense of failure around everything I do. EVEN THOUGH I KNOW THIS ISN'T TRUE.
Theholidaysare often touted as the most wonderful time of the year, but let's behonest, they also come with an undercurrent of stress and overwhelm. Between familygatherings, work parties, gift exchanges, and countless otherobligations, it can feel like there's no room to breathe. Learning to say“no”during the holiday season isn't just helpful—it'sessentialfor maintaining your well-being.
I am a firm believer in acknowledging your hurt and disappointment and then moving on. What can we create today, in this moment, that brings us joy? What do you love?
I’m aware enough to see that not everything is meant to be understood. I know we will lose people we love. It sucks and it hurts. And when disagreements arise, I know we don’t always see things from another’s perspective, and vice versa.
I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but it is none of your business what other people think, and it’s none of your business what other people are doing.
I'm not an anxious person, but let me tell you, my anxiety the last week and a half have been through the roof. I've felt paralyzed and there seems to be a layer of sadness lingering that literally makes no sense. But I am pushing through.